The Marion Blumenthal Hauptschule

Gary Rabenko, renowned New York photographer, showing Marion Blumenthal Lazan her photo portrait he was commissioned to create to be displayed in the Marion Blumenthal Hauptschule, the new public high school in Germany recently named in her honor.

The Marion Blumenthal Hauptschule was recently awarded the status of A School without Racism – A School with Courage 

Students and faculty have signed a pledge to commit to the task of developing lasting and long-term projects, activities and initiatives to overcome discrimination, especially racism, to turn against acts of violence, or statements voicing discrimination, and to work together to find solutions for respecting one another in the future.

It is especially noteworthy that this Award came about after the school was named for Marion Blumenthal Lazan, who tirelessly travels from school to school, and from state to state, sharing her Holocaust story, and messages of love, respect and tolerance towards one another, regardless of religious belief, color of the skin, or national origin. 

The Head of the District of Nienburg, Landrat Heinrich Eggers, stressed in his address during the school naming ceremony on November 10, 2010, that it was not purely because Mrs. Lazan is a Holocaust Survivor, but because of the positive impact she has upon young adults throughout the world.

Marion feels that the citizens of this small town of Hoya (close to Hannover) deserve special recognition for all they are doing to help redress the evil committed in their area of Germany during the NAZI period. She feels this was a courageous act on their part, especially considering the fact that not a single Jewish family lives in Hoya today.

It was Heike and Hans Huth, an extraordinary couple, who literally re-introduced Marion back to her former hometown of Hoya in 1995. They have subsequently become dear friends.

Marion`s hope and prayer is that you, your children, your children`s children, and all succeeding generations, will live in a world of love and peace. 

Eike Reiche, principal of the MBH, has just sent word that the portrait has been received, and will soon be mounted in a place of honor at the school.