Happy 103rd Birthday, Mom!

Mom is still Mom, and very much still a mother. The other day, Mom insisted on walking me the long distance from her apartment to the elevator, and said, “Please call me when you arrive home. And please remember to give a kiss to Nathaniel from me.”

Mom lives on the 15th floor, and has been in this apartment since 1990, when she moved east from her favorite city, San Francisco.

The photo you see was taken just this past Sunday, a day before her 103rd birthday. Perhaps you can tell in the photo how beautiful her skin still is. Her secret? Pond’s Cold Crème, which Mom has used since being repatriated to Holland after the war’s end in 1945.

This year to mark her birthday, we had a small family celebration in our home, with four generations present. There were Nathaniel and me, Susan (our daughter) and Rob, their children, Arielle & Moshe, and Joshua, and of course. Lucy, Mom`s caregiver for the past 5 1/2 years. 
Mom still very much has a sweet tooth, and greatly enjoyed the delicious birthday cake, a gift from our neighbor and dear friends, Nina and Leo Shalamoff.

When I told Mom that this Newsletter would be dedicated in her honor, she said, “Please say hello to everybody for me.” 
So, hello from Mom!

With gratitude to HaShem -